Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations


Le 6 février 2019
En France

Ce qui avait commencé comme une amitié improbable entre un jeune Viking et un redoutable dragon Fury Nocturne est devenu une épique trilogie retraçant leurs vies. Dans ce nouveau chapitre, Harold et Krokmou vont enfin découvrir leurs véritables destinées : être le chef de Berk au côté d’Astrid et, en tant que dragon, être le leader de son espèce.

Alors qu’ils réalisent leurs rêves de vivre en paix entre Vikings et dragons, une sombre menace planant sur le village et l’apparition d’une femelle Fury Nocturne vont mettre à mal leurs liens d’amitié comme jamais auparavant.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché est prévu au cinéma le 6 février en France et le 1er mars 2019 aux USA. Le réalisateur Dean Deblois a déjà fait quelques révélations sur le film  qui conclura l'aventure. En effet Dragons 3 : le monde caché sera le dernier film sur l'univers d'Harold et de Krokmou.

Cette page est un récapitulatif des news sur le film, les informations sont placées de façon décroissantes (les plus récentes sont en premier). Les infos sont souvent mises à jour, mais vous pouvez découvrir d'autres articles sur le sujet  ici.

Attention ! Je souhaite prévenir que cette page contient plusieurs spoliers importants susceptibles de gâcher le film. Alors, si vous ne désirez rien savoir sur le troisième film Dragons ne continuez pas de lire  !

Le 11 juin  2018 : 
Trois interviews du réalisateur Dean Deblois

Dean Deblois a accordé plusieurs interviews, même s'il revient sur les mêmes choses des petites infos se glissent entre deux question. Nous apprenons qu'1 an c'est écoulé après les événement de Dragons 2 et que la victoire contre Drago à rendu Beurk et nos héros célèbres.


Concernant le monde caché, il contient de nombreux secrets, c'est un lieu interdit pour l'humanité. Nous apprenons sur Twitter que le dragon derrière Grimmel et un « Deathgrippers » un tueurs de dragon vicieux.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Question : What can you tell us about Toothless’s new girlfriend?

Dean Deblois : Narratively, the Light Fury is an engine of change in the story. By that, I mean that she comes into the story in a very innocent way. She and Toothless meet, it’s an attraction at first sight, but she’s wild, and she’s elusive, and she’s very distrusting of humans -- for a very good reason, which you come to learn in the story. But her intention is to get to know Toothless, and to lure him away, to ultimately represent his call of the wild. And when I say she’s an engine of change, it’s something that Hiccup is at first very enthusiastic about, he’s so happy that Toothless has found a variation of his species, that he could spend time with as a mate. But he quickly realizes that her intent is to lure him away, to lead him back to the world of dragons.

So it’s something that forces Hiccup to really confront an insecurity that he’s had since the beginning of the trilogy, which is, you know, “Am I worthy without Toothless?” Every accomplishment and achievement that he has is largely based on his relationship with Toothless. His confidence and his sense of invincibility comes from Toothless. So it really begs the question, “What am I without him?” And it’s all part of Hiccup’s growth to becoming that wise and selfless Viking leader that he’s destined to be. But he’s got a few bumps along the way, of course.

Question : Hiccup goes through a lot of growth in the second film. How does that help him with the challenges he faces in this new film?

Dean Deblois : Each of the films of the trilogy is based on consecutive rites of passage. And the second film certainly propels him into adulthood when he was quite reluctant to embrace it, and to let go of the careless abandon of youth. So this carries that forward. The main narrative of the third movie takes place about a year after the events of Dragon 2. He’s a rookie chief. He’s a chief who’s dream of creating a peaceful dragon/Viking utopia on his home island of Berk. But, it comes with consequences, too, because in defeating Drago in the second film, they’ve become famous.

So the world knows, especially their enemies know, they now harbor the largest flock of dragons known to mankind. All under the leadership of Toothless, who’s now become the alpha. So it’s definitely pushing Hiccup forward to have to make choices. But they’re difficult, and they go against the grain, and often cause a lot of doubt in his fellow Vikings. But he’s ultimately finding his way towards doing the right thing, even if he’s not always successful.

Question : Is there anything else you can tell us about the challenges Hiccup and Toothless face in The Hidden World?

Dean Deblois : Hiccup has to consider his strongly held belief that they’re all better off together, versus doing what’s right for Toothless. And his love for Toothless is a very powerful emotion that guides him, that shows that nothing can quite train you to let go. And that’s ultimately, in a very sweet and emotional way, something that we’re going to carry the audience along through the story. And hopefully, if we’ve done our job right, lead them to the same conclusion in the end.

Question : Finally, what can audiences expect to see in this new Hidden World of the dragon?

Dean Deblois : Oh, it’s a wonderland, it’s amazing. We definitely wanted to create a plausible world within our world. That adheres to our physics, and adheres to our understanding of nature, and yet still find that line where it just becomes transcendent and full of wish fulfillment. The idea of the Hidden World, it’s forbidden for mankind, it’s a discovery and it holds within itself many secrets and a promise of another world, a place where dragons can ultimately be safe.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Entretient accordé au site slashfilm.com :

Question : I wanted to start with the prevailing question on everyone’s lips: What’s up with Hiccup’s beard?

Dean Deblois : [Laughs] Well, that’s the first time I’ve been asked that question so far, so it’s surprising because the main narrative of the story does not involve Hiccup with a beard. I’ll only say even though the main narrative of the story takes place a year after the events of [How to Train Your Dragon 2], we do play with timelines a bit. So the beard is a move to that older Hiccup at some point in the story. I don’t want to get into spoilers…

Question : So could we say it’s an epilogue that takes place however many years in the future?

Dean Deblois : [Laughs] That’s too specific! Like I said, it kind of bounces around in timelines. So we go backward, then go forward, and there’s sort of an allusion to the wise and selfless Viking leader that Hiccup becomes at the end of the trilogy.

Question : Does that epilogue have something to do with How to Train Your Dragon author Cressida Cowell’s remarks in an interview a few years back, saying there will be ”an explanation as to why dragons are no more”?

Dean Deblois : Yes. In fact, when Cressida visited Dreamworks back in 2010, while we were just finishing up How to Train Your Dragon, she told me that she was working on the last installment of her book series, one that would explain what happened to dragons. And I just found that idea very exciting because it was immediately kind of gripping and emotional. And I love the idea that she would explain a period of time that could have existed if we are no longer surrounded by dragons — that’s just a wonderful mystery to explore.

So I was inspired by that, I was also inspired by the first words of her very first book, which was Hiccup as an adult reflecting back. The line is, “There were dragons, when I was a boy.” There was something really wonderful and bittersweet [about] a specific era of time that covers a storyline like Hiccup and Toothless, where you have two disparate characters who are brought together by extraordinary circumstance. And even though they may separate in the end, there’s this wonderful life-affirming quality to it, because they will never be the same again.

Question : It sounds like How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World will be the most bittersweet of the series.

Dean Deblois : Yes, intentionally so. My favorite types of movies are those that kind of have that somewhat disarming and very poignant emotional place to go to, that take you along with them. There are some tough decisions to make that hopefully the audience shares with the main characters. The intent is to have the audience share the entire spectrum — it’s fun and it’s adventurous, and there are moments of fright and peril, but I think the wonder and the emotion are the most important moments. I hope to bring our audience to tears.

Question : When was it decided that the third film would be the last one?

Dean Deblois : After the success of the first movie and its box office run, I was approached to come up with ideas for a sequel. And I’m generally allergic to sequels, because they oiften feel like they lack a purpose other than continuing a franchise and making more money. So I pitched back an idea that we should do a trilogy, three definitive acts of one larger story that tells Hiccup’s tale from clumsy runt who’s always in everyone’s way to the selfless chief he’s destined to be, featuring rites of passage along the way. The studio liked that idea, so it gave the trilogy kind of an integrity from the start. It wouldn’t keep going on and on until people lost interest in the characters, it would have a reason for being.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Question : Hiccup and Toothless’s “boy and his dragon” friendship has formed the backbone of this series, and it was continually tested throughout the movies — like in the second How to Train Your Dragon, when the Alpha takes control of Toothless, for example, and he accidentally kills Stoic. Will they be tested again in The Hidden World?

Dean Deblois : Yes, but in a completely different way. The narrative of this story is one of the courage to face the unknown and to achieve the wisdom of learning to let go, learning to realize that you’re holding someone back. The Light Fury in our story is an agent of change. She comes into the story in innocence, but she is actually forcing Hiccup to confront his own insecurities, realizing that, or having the conviction that, he is incapable and kind of worthless without Toothless. And should this Light Fury lead Toothless away — really what she represents is kind of Call of the Wild — where does that leave Hiccup? It’s an engine of growth, and it does test the relationship between Hiccup and Toothless, their loyalty to one another, and also their love for one another and how that manifests in terms of being possessive versus having the more enlightened and selfless path of setting someone free.

Question : So I’m assuming at this point, they won’t have their literally codependent relationship anymore, in which Toothless could only fly through Hiccup’s technology?

Dean Deblois : There’s a development within the story where Hiccup realizes that he has to enable this relationship between Toothless and the Light Fury in order to continue with their own problems and the quest they’ve embarked on. So in order to do so, he fashions a method by which Toothless can fly independently that allows him to pursue the Light Fury without the involvement of a human being. She is very wild and distrusting of humans, for good reason. So Hiccup realizes that in order to seal this deal [chuckles] he has to let Toothless take over on his own.

Question : What else can you tell us about the Light Fury?

Dean Deblois : The Light Fury is a variation of Toothless’ species, the Night Fury. She is not the last of her kind, unlike Toothless. And her story is one that’s a bit mysterious. We intentionally try to keep her wild and elusive, to kind of represent something that is pure dragon, that hasn’t been tainted by human beings by domestication. She has a unique ability of her own: she’s able to cloak. She blasts a fireball, she flies through it, and by heating up her skin and her scales they turn mirror-like, reflecting their environment. So she effectively disappears against the sky or disappears against foliage.

Question : You reference Call of The Wild in the themes of this movie. Were there any other themes that the Hidden World has — maybe along the lines of the political themes running throughout the series like colonization, or discrimination against ostracized populations?

Dean Deblois : What I love about Hiccup is he has this idealistic, if not someone naïve notion, that co-existence is possible. It’s wonderful that he’s managed to convince all his fellow Vikings that the dragons are not their enemy, that they’re largely misunderstood, and that they can all befriend one another and live together. It’s just the larger world isn’t going to accept that. The larger world still sees dragons as enemies and villains that must be snuffed out.

So we have introduced into this story a new villain played by F. Murray Abraham, who goes by the name of Grimmel the Grisly. And his claim to fame is that he’s the big prize hunter who wiped out Night Furies. And they were considered the most dangerous and most feared, and he did the world a service in his mind by doing away with them. His attitude is the only good dragon is a dead dragon, and that they’re vermin that should be eradicated. He’s a very intolerant character. And knowing what we know about dragons, it makes him seem especially rigid and unwilling to change. The ugliness of intolerance is brought to life by him.

Question : We know that Roger Deakins consulted on the cinematography for the first two films. Does Deakins consult with this sequel’s cinematography as well?

Dean Deblois : Yes, Roger Deakins is back and working with us as we speak. It’s like a master class every time we get to sit down with him. His wealth of experience and degree of subtlety and refined taste when it comes to use of light and composition inspires our lighting team and our camera team to come up with bold, and interesting, and memorable takes on each and every scene.

Question : And did you find that the process working with him over the past 10 years has changed?

Dean Deblois : It actually has changed over the past 10 years because as technology continues to improve, it also becomes much more artist-friendly. So the idea of being able to iterate has been vastly improved. Roger will sit down with one of our lighting artists and actually try out different ideas and get immediate results, which is not something we were able to do 5, 7, 10 years ago.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Citation du réalisateur Dean Deblois après un entretien téléphonique sur le site IGN :

“I mean, honestly that was my fear going into any sequel, is that they can trail on forever and kind of lack narrative purpose,”

“So when I was asked to come up with an idea for a sequel to the first film, I pitched the idea of a trilogy that would map three acts of one story, and would follow Hiccup from a ne’er-do kid, to the wise viking chief of his tribe. And they bought into it so, I’m sticking with that and trying to make sure that each installment is some sort of crossroads that Hiccup encounters is part one overall world, that takes him towards his destiny.”

“Details change, as they always do, and it gets refined over time, but the ambition to try to set up a story that would carry forward and answer questions that had not been answered in in the first installment or the second, and would reach a satisfying culmination, was always the intent and that’s remained rock solid throughout the making of all three films,”

“One of the things that I liked about our approach to the material, which differs from the books actually, is that our dragons don’t speak. There isn’t magic in this world. It’s essentially our world, a fanciful retelling of our history, but it supposes that there was a time of dragons and here [we] are, in 2018, and there are no dragons around. So what happened?” DeBlois laughed.

“I like that as a narrative conceit, and the idea that this story of Hiccup and Toothless, and all of the dragons that came with that relationship, should reach a finite and satisfying end has been the great ambition. How do you separate a duo that people, certainly the fans of the franchise, have come to love together? And do it in a way that leaves the audience not feeling cheated, but rather on board with how it all comes to be.”

“I think there are examples, there have been stories and there have been really pivotal ones, for me, in which two characters, disparate as they are, come together and they manage to form such an impression and such a deep impact on one another’s lives that should they separate they’ll never be the same again. And I find that very life-affirming and true, so here’s an opportunity to contribute to that canon of films that kind of shaped me as a storyteller.,” DeBlois explains.

“And when I say that I’m speaking of films like E.T. or Born Free, or even Titanic to some degree. There’s a theme of characters that were destined to meet but not destined to stay together, and there’s something really powerful and emotional and indelible about those films that has created the high bar we’re hoping to reach.”


“I should say that it’s also been a strong ambition of ours from the start not to create films that depended on one another in order to enjoy them,” DeBlois says. “For example, I think some film franchises leave you with a cliffhanger and it’s really interrupting the story halfway through, and you’re dying to find out what happens next. Which is great, but in our case we tried to make three standalone stories that are interlinked, but if you have not seen the first or the second, you can still enjoy the third and not feel like you’re behind on a lot of the details.”

 “It starts small and innocent and full of wonder, and it develops more serious stakes as it develops,” DeBlois said. “Certainly the second film was more mature than the first but hopefully it still contained a certain amount of wonder and wish-fulfillment and exploration, and the core bond between Hiccup and his dragon.”

“But the larger narrative kind of speaks to Hiccup’s insecurity that he holds just under the vest, which is ‘Am I worthy without my dragon?’ Because he was, in first film, a real odd character in his world. He didn’t belong in a lot of ways, physically and in terms of his forward-thinking, and his successes and his notoriety and his achievements are all largely based on his relationship with Toothless. So the third film really delves into the question of, ‘Who am I without him?’ and ‘Am I clinging for the wrong reasons?’ and ‘Could I sta

Le 10 juin  2018 : 
Questions réponses avec Den Deblois sur Dragons 3

Den Deblois a répondu à plusieurs questions posées par les fans sur le site Reddit. Une personne a fait un récapitulatif de toutes les réponses du réalisateur. On y apprend que Valka fait désormais partie de la communauté Beurk. Elle formerait Harold , Astrid, et le reste de l'équipe pour devenir des sauveteurs de dragon. Cate Blanchett a repris son rôle et comme toujours, elle a fait un travail formidable pour donner vie au personnage.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations


L'interview :

Question : "What is your screenwriting process and what advice would you have for anyone wanting to write a script?"

Den DeBlois : "The movie promises future developments for Hiccup and Astrid but to say anymore would be a spoiler. The HiccStrid fans will be happy. "

Question : "Will there be references to Race to the edge in how to train your dragon 3 or how do you feel race to the edge interpreted what happened between the first and second movie?"

Den DeBlois : I would agree with the latter. I would say Race to the Edge deals with what the first two movies go over. The film trilogy tends to stick to its film characters and script. Although we do tend to maintain to the universe.

Question : "In the trailer Hiccup says "There used to be dragons when I was a boy". How much on a scale from 1 to 10, will I be crying from this film?

Den DeBlois : We’re hoping for a solid 10. I’m always a little disappointed when someone says, "I didn't cry when I watched your film."

Question : "How much of the draft that Spielberg read is still in the film? The quote that you read from him about your script is one of my favorite things."

Den DeBlois : The movie is largely the same. With some of the details altered as characters evolved. We hope to show him the film soon, and we hope he still likes it as much as when he read the draft.

Question : "I read somewhere that for the production of the first movie, there was a "script" for Toothless for what he would say in certain scenes. Does this script still exist somewhere? I would love to read that"

Den DeBlois : Yes. Since the beginning we’ve tried to incorporate “dialogue” for toothless and the other dragons, so that the animators could interpret the intent behind the grunts, gurgles, and roars. It has also been helpful to Randy Thom, our sound designer, in the crafting of those sounds. I’m not sure that those verbal descriptions exist in the final drafts of any of the films, but they were there to help us in the making of.

Question : So is Randy Thom and Rodger Deakins both still on the crew for this third installment? That is the audio-visual 1-2 punch knockout right there.

Den DeBlois : I’m happy to report that Randy Thom and Roger Deakins are working away on the film as we speak. It is such an honor to have these powerhouses onboard as part of our team. It’s like a masterclass anytime we get to spend time with them

Question : "Is there more to Grimmel than meets the eye? From the trailer he seems very one-dimensional and only evil for the sake of being evil.

What is the official name of the "Light Fury"? Is she an albino Night Fury? Did she lose her pigmintation because she's been underground for so long? Will this be explained in the movie?

Den DeBlois : To your first question, yes the intention was to make Grimmel dimensional and interesting. He’s not only cunning, he can be charming and witty. He’s also very accomplished and confident in his ability. For this film, we wanted an intelligent nemesis for Hiccup. And, F. Murray Abraham is incredible in the role.

To your second question. The Light Fury is a species name given to her by Hiccup and Astrid. We deliberately didn’t give her a personal name, because we wanted to keep her wild. She isn’t a night Fury, she’s a variation of the species with her own traits and abilities. Unlike toothless, she is not the last of her kind.

Question: "Can you tell us what was the inspiration of the hidden world? is there any place in particular you got the design idea from?"

Den DeBlois : The hidden world is a combination of fantasy elements grounded in real world physics. It features fungi and bioluminescence and coral, to give it an otherworldly feel. And yet, the idea was to create a believable world that could exist beneath our own. As with everything in the How To Train Your Dragon universe, we rely on credible earthly physics and elements, without ever going to something magical. The hole in the sea that is featured in the trailer, is in fact... A massive volcanic caldera that serves as a gateway to an endless maze of chambers and tunnels that work their way around the world.

Question : "How does it feel like to bring this amazing trilogy to an end?"

Den DeBlois : It’s going to be an emotional conclusion for all of us. Many on the crew have been a part of this trilogy for a decade or more. We’ve come to love these characters and this world that we get to play in. From the moment I was asked to come up with ideas for a sequel, the commitment for a trilogy that tells Hiccup’s and Toothless’ story in three acts was embraced and supported. So bringing the story to a close with integrity makes us all feel very proud. It will definitely be very emotional for us as well.

Question : "Dean, tell us some stuff about Jonsi and the perfect match his voice brings to the series."

Den DeBlois : I’ve been a long Sigur Ros fan, and that led to me meeting the band and doing a couple film projects with them about a decade ago. As a result, Jonsi and I became good friends. As a result, I invited him to contribute some music to both films. He will be again working with John Powell on original music for this third installment of the trilogy. He is perhaps the most talented person I know and a huge inspiration.

Question : "When will the next trailer come out?"

Den DeBlois : There will be a second trailer closer to the release of the movie. We're not sure when yet!

Question : "What is next for you as a director? More live-action stuff? or Animation? What will become of HTTYD after this last installment?"

Den DeBlois : I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be doing next, but I have my own hopper of projects that I work on when things cool down.A few of them that I would love to get going, if possible. Some are live action, a few are hybrid films, and a couple of animated ones as well. It’s all about finding a great story. As far as the Dragon films go, I’m super proud to have imparted them. It’s been an amazing and educational decade of working with some of the best artists in the world.

Question : "1) Without spoilers was there any big worries you had or challengers you had to overcome while making the final instalment to the dragon franchise.

2) How closely will this tie in with the ending of the books "

Den DeBlois : Hi, Charlotte! Glad to hear you’re doing well in your pursuits. The greatest challenge of the third film was to explain why dragons have left us in a way that won’t completely bum out the audience. There are films like E.T. that have successfully handled this delicate story challenge and they’ve gone on to become indelible parts of our culture. We hope that this third film will rise to that challenge and leave the audience feeling moved and satisfied. I took inspiration from Cressida Cowell when she visited our production team on the first film. She told me at the time that she was working on the last book of her series. One that would explain what happened to dragons and why they are no more. And though our narratives differ, the ambition to close this chapter and resolve that question remain a driving force in developing the trilogy.

Question : "Will valka be in the movie?"

Den DeBlois : Yes, Valka has now become a part of the Berk community. Training Hiccup, Astrid, and the rest of gang to become capable dragon rescuers. Cate Blanchett has reprised her role, and as always, has done a wonderful job bringing the character to life.

Question : "Dean, can you give us (animators/filmmakers) any words of encouragement and/or advice?"

Den DeBlois : Animation is a field in which your work speaks for you. The dedication and time spent honing your craft pays dividends down the line, but it requires some patience. Don’t waste your time with networking. Your work and reputation will speak for itself. It’s a great field to be in — it’s rewarding to be a part of a team that transports its audience and inspires future generations to tell stories... that’s also a lot of fun.

Question : "What’s your strategy in creating such uplifting messages?"

Den DeBlois : I guess my philosophy is that all storytelling should touch you emotionally — no matter how whimsical or absurd the premise. My priority when working on a story is to find some genuine emotional and often disarming moment that will make the whole thing have a greater value, than it may seem to have at face value. Channeling experiences from your own life is one of the best ways to accomplish that. So as it has often been said, “Write from the heart.”

Question : "I've heard it said that HTTYD1 was about a boy finding his best friend, and HTTYD2 was about a boy becoming a man. So does part 3 have a similar theme?"

Den DeBlois : It was very deliberate that each installment of Hiccup’s growth features a rite of passage. The first movie was about learning to accept yourself, in spite of your weaknesses. The second movie was about the transition of youthful abandon to adulthood. The third movie focuses on — it’s about finding the courage to let go. That in itself is a universal rite of passage. Whether they are faced with letting go of insecurities, or those who follow their destiny.

Le 7 juin  2018 : 
La première banne annonce est disponible

Dean DeBlois on The Hidden World

"It was very deliberate that each installment of Hiccup’s growth features a rite of passage. The first movie was about learning to accept yourself, in spite of your weaknesses. The second movie was about the transition of youthful abandon to adulthood. The third movie focuses on — it’s about finding the courage to let go. That in itself is a universal rite of passage. Whether they are faced with letting go of insecurities, or those who follow their destiny."

"The movie promises future developments for Hiccup and Astrid but to say anymore would be a spoiler. The HiccStrid fans will be happy."

"The best part about working in animation is that it’s ever-evolving. I was trained in classical hand drawn animation, and it continues to be an education with every film. Our technology improves every year. We get to test it and explore and push the boundaries. It’s gotten to the point where if you can dream it, you can make it. That’s pretty exciting."

"The Light Fury is a species name given to her by Hiccup and Astrid. We deliberately didn’t give her a personal name, because we wanted to keep her wild. She isn’t a Night Fury, she’s a variation of the species with her own traits and abilities. Unlike Toothless, she is not the last of her kind."

"The hidden world is a combination of fantasy elements grounded in real world physics. It features fungi and bioluminescence and coral, to give it an otherworldly feel. And yet, the idea was to create a believable world that could exist beneath our own. As with everything in the How To Train Your Dragon universe, we rely on credible earthly physics and elements, without ever going to something magical."

"The intention was to make Grimmel dimensional and interesting. He’s not only cunning, he can be charming and witty. He’s also very accomplished and confident in his ability. For this film, we wanted an intelligent nemesis for Hiccup. And, F. Murray Abraham is incredible in the role."

"I’m always a little disappointed when someone says, ‘I didn’t cry when I watched your film.’"

Le 5 juin  2018 : 
Infos sur les nouveaux personnages

Sur le site USATODAY Dean Deblois et F. Murray Abraham dévoilent quelques informations sur les nouveaux personnes de Dragons 3.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Den Deblois parlant de la femelle furie nocturne :

"She is very rare, very elusive and very wild,"

"Toothless is a complete bumbling amateur when it comes to issues of courting," "He isn't in touch with his primal instincts for these love matters."

"The Light Fury is an engine of change in our story, representing the call of the wild, which is key to Toothless’ destiny,"

F. Murray Abraham parlant de son personnage qu'il interprète :

"Grimmel is effective because he’s so smart, so dedicated to the hunt, so single-minded. He’s the perfect balance to goodness," "We like his clarity, he knows exactly who he is."

Den Deblois concernant l'histoire du film :

 "I wanted to give this a definitive end,"

Par rapport aux livres de Cressida Cowell :

"Our narratives are quite different. But we will explain why dragons have disappeared into legend," says DeBlois. "And there are still questions: Could dragons come back? Are dragons still around? All of these will be answered in the third film."


Le 31 mai 2018 : 
La première affiche du film

Nous apprenons également qu'un jeune garçon nommé AJ Kane fait partie du casting vocale du troisième film, mais on ne sait pas quel personnage ce petit garçon interprète.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Le 23 mai 2018 : 
Les premiers visuels du film

Les premières images des personnages de Dragons 3 ont été dévoilées au Licensing Expo

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Le 6 mai 2018 : 
Le synopsis du film parle de la femelle furie nocturne

"From DreamWorks Animation comes the highly anticipated culmination of one of the most popular animated franchises in film history, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD. What began as an unlikely friendship between an adolescent Viking and a fearsome Night Fury dragon has become an epic trilogy spanning their lives. In this next chapter, Hiccup and Toothless will finally discover their true destinies: the village chief as ruler of Berk alongside Astrid, and the dragon as leader of his own kind. As both ascend, the darkest threat they’ve yet faced—as well as the appearance of a female Night Fury—will test the bonds of their relationship like never before."

D'après Kevan Shorey, ce sont des images de Dragons 3
D'après Kevan Shorey, ce sont des images de Dragons 3

D'après Kevan Shorey, ce sont des images de Dragons 3

Le 22 et 27 avril 2018 : 
 Dragons 3 : Le monde caché

Dragons 3 se voit doté d'un titre "The Hidden World". Les premiers extraits de Dragons 3 ont été diffusés à la CinemaCon de Las Vegas. Les descriptions s'accordent sur la rencontre entre Krokmou et une LIGHTfury (furie nocturne "blanche") et la présence de chasseurs de Dragons cherchant à nuire à nos reptiles. Nos protagonistes découvrent également un monde de dragons "caché".

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Le 20 janvier 2017 : 
Gerard Butler parle de Dragons 3

Gerard Butler a accordé une interview à Screen Rant. Ses promesses, un film qui s'annonce être le meilleur de tous :

"So I have How to Train Your Dragon, which I just did my bit on and it’s so beautiful I think it might be the best of the lot.

This is what I’ll say, and for whatever it’s worth I do swear that this is not just promo nonsense. It’s by far, the strongest of the stories (of the 3). It’s the movie that the series requires and deserves and it’s the rightful third chapter or third act, I should say. I don’t think anybody will be disappointed."

Le 15 novembre 2017 : 
Un nouveau méchant nommé Grimmel

F. Murray Abraham interprète un nouveau méchant nommé Grimmel. Le chef de DreamWorks Animation évoque ce nouveau personnage qui ne portera pas dans la version originale un accent écossais, mais une voix de Baryton profond digne d'un méchant classique.

"Nous sommes ravis que F. Murray Abraham se soit joint à notre casting de ‘Dragons 3’ en tant que méchant Grimmel. Ce personnage apporte une nouvelle histoire captivante à l’apogée de notre trilogie. Il y a un calme de gentleman à ce rôle sinistre, qui s’accorde magnifiquement avec l’immense étendue et talents de cet acteur iconique."

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Le 29 mars 2017 : 
Interview de Jay Baruchel sur Dragons 3

L’interprète d'Harold explique que les séances d’enregistrements ont commencé et en a profité pour nous livrer ses premières impressions sur l'histoire de Dragons 3 qui s'annonce

« la plus forte, celle dont la saga a besoin, car elle mérite ce troisième chapitre, ce troisième acte. Je ne pense pas que les gens seront déçus. »


« J'ai déjà terminé plusieurs séquences d'enregistrement pour [Dragons 3] (...) ce film est la chose la plus importante au monde pour moi. Je me sens comme lorsque j'ai vu Star Wars pour la première fois, c'est vraiment cool. On est sur la bonne route. [Dreamworks] prend beaucoup de temps pour le faire, alors je ne sais pas encore quand est-ce qu'il sortira, »

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Le 06 décembre 2016 : 
Dragons 3 est repoussé à la date du
1er mars 2019

Suite au rachat du studio, les productions DreamWorks subissent plusieurs changements. Conséquence pour Dragons 3, le film est repoussé d'1 an supplémentaire aux USA à la date du 1er mars 2019.

Le studio dévoile au même moment le premier synopsis du film :

Pendant qu'Harold poursuit son rêve de créer une utopie pacifique de dragons, la découverte d'un sauvage, insaisissable compagnon par Krokmou va faire s'éloigner le furie nocturne. Quand le danger va arriver chez eux et que le règne d'Harold va être mis à l'épreuve, les dragons ainsi que leurs dragonniers vont devoir prendre des décisions impossibles pour sauver leurs espèces.

As Hiccup fulfills his dream of creating a peaceful dragon utopia, Toothless’ discovery of an untamed, elusive mate draws the Night Fury away. When danger mounts at home and Hiccup’s reign as village chief is tested, both dragon and rider must make impossible decisions to save their kind.


Le 20 juin 2016 : 
Dragons 3 est avancé à la date du 18 mai 2018

La date de Dragons 3 a été avancée d'un mois aux USA passant du 29 juin au 18 mai 2018. Ce changement de date est dû au retard du film LEGO Movie 2 repoussé d'un an par la Warner Bros Animation, laissant la place au film de DreamWorks.

La première affiche officielle de How to train your Dragon 3 a était dévoilée à la Licensing International expo 2016 (salon des licences de marques).

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations


Le 5 fevrier 2015 :
Durant les Visual Effects Society Awards Dean Deblois a évoqué Dragons 3

The culmination of Hiccup’s coming of age. Both he and Toothless are now chiefs of their respective tribes, and it’s a dueling story where you have both characters trying to do what’s right for their kind, and an eventual outcome where Hiccup is able to stand on his own. We’re gonna take the story to where the books begin, which is Hiccup as an adult reflecting back on a time where there were dragons, suggesting that the dragons will in some way go away. Why and could they come back and the mystery of what all that is will be saved for the actual story.

You have to wait until the third film to actually see where Drago’s character goes. He’s a lot more complex than he’s presented in this second installment.

There were a few months of pitching outlines and making sure that everybody was content with where it was headed, and now I’m deep into the script. I’m about halfway through. I was literally working on it this afternoon before coming here. I have to hand it off pretty soon.


En français :

Dragons 3 est l'aboutissement du passage à l'âge adulte pour Harold. Lui et Krokmou sont désormais les chefs de leur tribu respective et vous aurez le droit à une dualité où les deux personnages essayent de prendre les meilleures décisions pour leur race ainsi qu'un moyen pour Harold de s'en sortir tout seul. Nous allons diriger l'histoire là où les romans commencent, dans lesquels Harold est un adulte et se souvient d'une époque où l'on trouvait des dragons, ce qui suggère que les dragons finiront par partir. Le pourquoi et la question de savoir s'ils reviendront sont des mystères auxquels l'histoire répondra. Vous devrez attendre le troisième film pour savoir quel chemin va emprunter le personnage de Drago. Il va devenir bien plus complexe que ce que nous avons pu voir dans le dernier film. Nous avons passé plusieurs mois à décider de la trame pour être sûr que tout le monde était content de la direction dans laquelle nous nous dirigeons. Je suis désormais en pleine écriture. J'en suis à la moitié environ. J'étais justement en train d'y travailler cette après-midi avant de venir. Je dois le rendre dans très peu de temps.

Breageek news

Le 23 janvier 2015:
Dragons 3 est repoussé au 29 juin 2018 aux USA (le 4 juillet 2018 en France) 

Le film était prévu pour 2017, mais la restructuration du studio a modifié les dates, décalant le film d'un an.

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Le 16 octobre 2014 :
Dean Deblois confirme la trilogie “Dragons”, (il n'aura pas de Dragons 4)

“I think I’ve talked [Jeffrey Katzenberg] down from that (laughs).  There may be spinoffs to come, but my involvement and my dedication to completing a story that has a reason for being and a strong sense of integrity and three chapters I think is in place and intact.  Everybody seems to be in agreement that we’re moving in the right direction.”

“Just this past Thursday I presented the outline for the film and I’m gonna take a two week break, but after that I’ll be working on the screenplay and hopefully turning the first draft in by the end of the year.  So all is going well.  It continues to be the third act of this trilogy and we get to see Hiccup’s coming of age come to a completion.”

“I’m also playing with the idea of what happened to the dragons and why they are no more, as suggested by Cressida Cowell’s books.  So the whole mystery of where did they go?  Did they come back?  What transpired?  I think it’s all compelling stuff and it’s definitely a story that’s gonna have a lot more Toothless emphasis in it.  We continue to get more insight into the dragon world and shed light on their intelligence and all the aspects that we’ve been slowly cooking over the last two films.”

“It’s just that these movies take three years.  I think it was a little ambitious to say 2016 (laughs).  As is normally the case, they kind of throw darts out into the future and wherever they land they call that a release date until we start talking about it in practical terms, and then it’s like, ‘Uh yeah that’s not enough time.’ (laughs).  So knowing that they take three years from this moment, from outlining and writing the screenplay through to the final lighting of it, it’s just a process of building models and doing tests and animating, storyboarding, the whole thing just adds up to about three years.”

“As I go forward I’m still working on kind of the antagonist story of the whole thing, but there are layers and textures to go to that I think will make for a much more compelling force of antagonism in this third one.”

Dean Deblois

En français :

Je m'intéresse à l'idée de savoir ce qui est arrivé aux dragons et pourquoi ils ne sont pas plus nombreux. Où sont-ils allés ? C'est une histoire qui insistera plus sur Krokmou. Nous continuerons à avancer dans le monde des dragons et nous en dirons plus sur les aspects que nous avons abordés lors des deux premiers films.

Et explique avoir dissuadé Jeffrey Katzenberg, le grand patron de DreamWorks Animation, de vouloir produire un quatrième volet, évoqué un temps à l'époque du dernier festival de Cannes. Il y aura peut-être des spinoffs, mais je crois sincèrement que cette histoire et son intégrité sont faites pour être racontées en trois parties. Et tout le monde semble d'accord pour dire que nous avançons dans la bonne direction. Et justement, le réalisateur vient de présenter les grandes lignes du film la semaine passée et compte terminer un premier jet du script avant la fin de l'année 2014. Et si ce Dragons 3 a été repoussé de 2016 à 2017, c'est tout simplement qu'un film de cette ampleur demande 3 ans de travail et pas à cause d'un problème de fond relatif au scénario. Cette suite pourrait notamment s'intéresser plus particulièrement aux dragons et pourquoi il en reste si peu. On apprend d'ailleurs que le grand méchant du 2, Drago, n'aurait dû au départ qu'apparaître dans la première suite avant de s'imposer dans le 3. Maintenant que les plans ont finalement changé, Deblois évoque un antagoniste bien plus complexe pour conclure l'histoire d'Harold et son passage à l'âge adulte.
Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations

Le 19 novembre 2014 :
Un interview de Dean Deblois

Conversely, though, this story seems to put us in a position where the conflicts for a third film are fairly apparent at the end of the second film.
Having read Cressida Cowell’s first book, the element that were most compelling to me were the opening lines. It was Hiccup, as an adult, reflecting back on a time when there were dragons. Just by concept there’s something really compelling and emotionally powerful to the idea that this trilogy will complete with the dragons somehow going away, why they went away, and what the mystery is that surrounds that. Could the come back? Who caused it? What transpired? All of that is very compelling to me.

I didn’t know you felt so committed to that.
I love it. I think there’s something bittersweet and powerful about it. I think my job is all about how I should deliver that story in a way that is palatable and right.

interview Dean deblois a écrit:

En français :

Interrogé sur l'avancement du troisième épisode des aventures d'Harold et Krokmou, le réalisateur Dean DeBlois a répondu que les choses avançaient lentement mais sûrement. Il révèle qu'il a récemment présenté les grandes lignes du scénario à DreamWorks, mais que le studio savait déjà à quoi s'attendre. Il a en effet été clair qu'il y aurait une suite à Dragons 2 quand le film a été présenté comme l'épisode central d'une trilogie et DeBlois a dès lors régulièrement fait part de ses idées au studio. Le réalisateur a été particulièrement marqué par les quelques lignes qui introduisent le premier livre de la série écrite par Cressida Cowell. Harold, devenu adulte, repense à l'époque où il y avait des dragons : « Il y a quelque chose de captivant et d'émotionnellement très fort dans l'idée que cette trilogie se terminera par le départ des dragons, sa raison et le mystère qui l'entoure. Pourraient-ils revenir ? Qui a causé leur départ ? Que s'est-il passé ? » Il ajoute qu'il aime beaucoup les histoires dans lesquelles les chemins de plusieurs personnages se croisent et où cette rencontre, aussi brève soit-elle, a un impact durable sur leurs vies et les change.

Le 5 novembre 2014 :
Dean Deblois glisse deux mots sur dragons 3 lors de la sortie du dvd de Dragons 2

Well just this past Thursday I presented the outline for the film and I’m gonna take a two week break, but after that I’ll be working on the screenplay and hopefully turning the first draft in by the end of the year. So all is going well. It continues to be the third act of this trilogy and we get to see Hiccup’s coming of age come to a completion. I’m also playing with the idea of what happened to the dragons and why they are no more, as suggested by Cressida Cowell’s books. So the whole mystery of where did they go? Did they come back? What transpired? I think it’s all compelling stuff and it’s definitely a story that’s gonna have a lot more Toothless emphasis in it. We continue to get more insight into the dragon world and shed light on their intelligence and all the aspects that we’ve been slowly cooking over the last two films.

Dean deblois

Dragons 3 : Le monde caché, les premières informations


Le 4 juin 2014 :
Durant la promotion du deuxième film le réalisateur évoque déjà Dragons 3

And the intention is to be very conscious of where we came from in the first movie and where we’re heading in the third. So I’ve been working on a running outline for sometime and I know we’re going to get to the point where Cressida Cowell books start which is Hiccup, as an adult, looking back on his life and saying ‘There were dragons when I was a boy.’ There’s something really powerful and emotional about that that hits you in the gut. And I think it could be bittersweet and beautiful. But how they disappear? What happened and what leads them to that point? That’s the stuff of the third movie. We’re always very conscious to make sure the threads we’re pulling forward are from the first film and paying off in the second are also embedding storylines for the third.

Dean Deblois

Le 15 mai 2014 :
Au festival de Cannes

Prêt à savoir ce qui va se passer dans le film Dragons 3 ? Dans ce cas, on commence par une vidéo de Dean Deblois durant le Festival de Cannes 2014 :


Dragons 2 est le deuxième volet d'une trilogie. A la fin du troisième épisode, Harold deviendra chef du clan mais on expliquera surtout pourquoi les dragons ont disparu. Comme la disparition des dinosaures c'est l'un de nos grands mystères. Nous y répondrons à la fin du dernier film.

Dean Deblois

A l'origine Dragons est librement inspiré des livres Cressida Cowell, dont les histoires n'ont plus rien avoir avec ceux des films. Mais le réalisateur a fait le choix rejoindre la fin des livres pour le dernier volet de Dragons. Le premier tome des livres d'Harold et les dragons commence par cette phrase :

"Lorsque j'étais petit garçon, le monde grouillait de dragons."

On en conclut qu'à la fin du troisième film l'histoire rejoindra celle des livres et expliquera pourquoi à notre époques il n'a y plus de dragons dans le ciel.

Rédigé par Eclénia

Publié dans #Dragons 3

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